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The Inclusive Inequality will belong to the human history soon.

I recently have the opportunity to read and enjoy the excellent report produced by Allianz: “Allianz Global Wealth Report 2016”, hence I would like to share with you my conclusions about the topic.

First of all, I strongly believe the economy won´t be any longer the principal human activity in this century. Sometime in this century, the human kind will be able to solve the economy puzzle and their paradoxes and therefore will provide a wealthy economic system for all the earth habitants.

I am part of the optimistic AI club (of course I am glad there is a pessimistic AI club as well, it is necessary in behalf of the social evolution), henceforth I strongly believe the AI/Human symbiosis will be highly positive and perhaps one of the first pragmatic issues the symbiosis will solve is the economy, especially the “inclusive inequality” paradox.

The “inclusive inequality” is described by the Allianz report as follow: “more people are participating in average wealth, while at the same time, the tip of the wealth pyramid is moving further and further away from this average (and is simultaneously getting smaller and smaller).”

The situation is especially evident in America, the wealth gap is especially pronounced on the American continent: North America remains the richest region in the world, with average per capita assets coming to EUR 152,510. By contrast, Latin America was the region with the lowest net financial assets. At the end of 2015, after deductions for liabilities, households had an average of EUR 2,840 per capita.

This means that households in the north had 54 times the assets of their neighbors to the south. Nevertheless, this factor was as high as 62 back in 2005, so the trend is, at least, moving in the “right” direction.

Additionally, Latin America was growing (in terms of net financial assets) at the same pace than Eastern Europe and Asia (excluding Japan) from 2005 to 2010, in part fueled by the commodities boom in that time. But since then (2005-2010) Latin America lost momentum and is falling far behind of Asia (14% Growing rate of the net per capita financial assets) and Eastern Europe (14% Growing rate of the net per capita financial assets).

Perhaps the financial assets are instruments too sophisticated for the Latin America middle wealthy class and also the region still remains strongly dependent of the commodities (although perhaps is not using the financial assets instruments related to the commodities inte proper way) , but the good news is the region is very well positioned for the incoming wave of GES (Government and Environment Securities) and eventually will be able to catch up the growing rates of eastern Europe again.

Of course there are more good news, as mentioned before, chances are the AI will play an important role in figured out how to solve the economy paradoxes, and perhaps the economy will soon follow the thermodynamics laws in terms of distribution, hence AI/Humans will be able to create the best settings to expedite the process.

In the not so distant future, the human kind will look backwards and say: feels so good to have put the whole human’s specie on the wealthy wagon, poorness is no longer conceivable when sailing in the infinity and unlimited wealthy universe.

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