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Adversity Inc. Introduction (Part I)

Adversity Inc. How to use the beautiful force you find during adversity times to thrive.

Introduction (Part I)

The universe, the economy, the history, the culture, the business, the nature, the human society and the civilization are cyclical.

Perhaps one of the cycles than the child’s can experience by themselves for the first time, is the day and night cycle which is linked to the rotation of the earth, then later on their lives they will be able to experience the scholar cycle which is linked to the days of the week, the year calendar and ultimately to the translation of the earth around the sun which determines the different seasons.

Therefore, we can agree that those cosmological cycles, the rotation and translation of the earth defines the weather conditions on the planet and also highly influence the human culture, hence the human behavior.

The seasons and weather cycles were observed and monitored carefully by the first’s civilizations in order to increase their chances to survive and thrive.

The earliest civilizations were able to adapt to a changing and challenging weather conditions and to the surrounding environment, creating rules and best practices standards through the careful observation and the empirical experience.

Once they successfully adapted to the environment and mastered the art of trustfully register the data, they were able eventually to commence the art of strategic planning, creating on their way the abstract notion of the future.

The earliest civilizations were basically in the surviving business, hence they spent the vast majority of their energy and time just to survive and ensure the sufficient minimum energy storage to wake up the next morning.

Certainly they had the notion of tomorrow, but that notion is so different of the abstract notion of the future.

Modern organizations can afford to plan decades ahead, even more, some few are starting to strategically planning for centuries ahead, but at that time the future was one week ahead in the most optimal scenario.

Perhaps took some time to figured out, but the earliest civilizations understood that their future life span was strongly correlated to a good or a bad leadership. Their chances to survive under a sound and strong leadership were much higher than under a poor leadership.

Of course, they haven’t business schools at that time, nor professional couching neither neurofeedback tools to help them to properly educate their leaders, but they had plenty of adversity ahead.

The adversity prove to be one of the best teachers, acting like the natural selection does, shaking up those primitive societies up to the point the natural leaders showed up to lead and command.

Time was of the essence, there was not so much time neither energy to talk, the precious available time was for doing, executing and planning. Those earlier good leaders were doers and top performers, they put and release all their energy where their mouth was.

The democracy is a luxury we inherited from those firsts’ bravest and wisest leaders.

To be continued...

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